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Field  Physical  Training 
""    of  the  Soldier 



^^'  V.' 














Washington,  May  10,  1911. 

1.  The  field  physical  training  of  the  soldier  will  be  carried 
out  in  accordance  with  the  directions  laid  down  in  this  syllabus, 
prepared  by  Capt.  Herman  J.  Koehler,  United  States  Army, 
master  of  the  sword,  instructor  in  military  gymnastics,  etc.. 
United  States  Military  Academy. 

2.  A  battalion  inspector-instructor  will  be  appointed  for  each 
battalion  under  their  command  by  the  camp  commanders.  This 
officer  shall  be  responsible  for  this  training  in  the  battalion  to 
which  he  is  assigned. 

3.  The  syllabus  is  based  upon  the  Manual  of  Physical  Train- 
ing for  use  in  the  Army,  to  which  reference  should  be  made  in 
case  more  detailed  information  is  desired. 

4.  These  directions  will  also  apply  to  the  training  of  officers 
of  or  candidates  for  the  Officers'  Reserve  Corps,  except  as  re- 
gards the  time  devoted  daily  to  this  instruction.  Camp  com- 
manders in  charge  of  the  instruction  of  reserve  officers  and 
candidates  will  take  all  necessary  steps  to  have  all  those  attend- 
ing these  camps  thoroughly  Instructed  in  the  principles,  theory, 
and  the  practical  application  of  this  training,  as  herein  laid 
down,  so  that  every  reserve  officer  will  be  qualified  to  impart 
his  instruction  intelligently  when  he  enters  active  service. 

[2590795  A.  G.  O.]. 
By  obdeb  of  the  Secret aky  of  War  : 

H.  L.  SCOTT, 
Major  General,  Chief  of  Staff, 
Official  : 

H.  P.  McCain. 

The  Adjutant  General. 




Section  I.  General  object 1-9 

II.  General  scope 10-17 

III.  Instruction 18-23 

IV.  Hints  to  instructors 24-31 

V.  Commands 32 

VI.  Positions  and  formations 33-35 

VII.  General  remarks 36-44 

VIII.  Lessons  for  recruits 4.5-56 

IX.  Field  training  of  trained  soldiers 57-<51 

X.  Lessons  for  trained  soldiers 62-65 

XI.  Gymnastic  contests 66-76 


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Section  I. 



Efficiency  of  military  establishments 1 

Demands  of  modern  warfare 2 

Necessity  for  physical  training 3 

Object  sought  by  this  course 4 

What  course  must  embrace 5-9 

1.  Efficiency  of  Military  Establishments. — ^That  the  efficiency 
of  a  military  establishment  is  in  a  direct  ratio  to  the  physical 
fitness  of  its  individual  units  has  never  before  been  demon- 
strated so  forcibly  as  it  has  been  during  the  present  war. 

The  demands  made  upon  those  engaged  in  this  conflict  are  so 
far  in  excess  of  what  was  thought  to  be  the  limit  of  human 
endurance,  judged  by  a  before-the-war  standard,  that  it  is  al- 
most impossible  to  conjecture  even  what  that  limit  really  is. 

2.  Demands  of  modern  warfare. — ^While  modern  warfare  has 
not  hesitated  to  impress  almost  every  known  science  into  its 
service  for  the  purpose  of  overcoming  man,  tlie  trained  man  has 
up  to  the  present  time  demonstrated  his  ability  to  hold  his  own 
against  the  most  terrible  odds  successfully ;  and  in  the  end  it 
will  be  discovered  that  it  is  the  man,  the  carefully  trained  and 
conditioned  man,  who  alone  can  make  victory  possible. 

3.  Necessity  for  physical  training. — With  these  facts  before 
us  it  follows  logically  that  the  physical  training,  development, 
and  conditioning  of  those  recruited  for  the  military  service 
must  be  the  first  and  most  important  concern  of  a  nation  at 

4.  Object  sought  by  this  course. — The  object,  therefore,  that 
a  course  in  physical  training  for  recruits  must  aim  to  attain  is 
the  development  of  every  individual's  physical  attributes  to  the 
fullest  extent  of  their  possibilities,  so  that  he  may  enter  upon 
the  duties  his  profession  imposes  \vith  the  utmost  confidence  in 
his  ability  to  discharge  them  successfully  under  any  and  all 



5.  What  course  must  embrace. — In  order  to  accomplish  this 
object  the  course  must  embrace  those  means  that  will  develop : 

(o)  General  health  and  organic  vigor. 

(b)  Muscular  and  nervous  strength,  endurance  and  forti- 


(c)  Self-reliance  and  confidence. 

(d)  Smartness,  activity,  alertness,  and  precision. 

6.  As  the  extent  of  the  development  of  all  the  physical  attrib- 
utes is  determined  by  health  and  vigor,  these  must  be  consid- 
ered the  basis  of  all  physical  training. 

7.  The  possession  of  robust  health  and  organic  vigor  is  not, 
however,  sufficient  for  the  field  soldier ;  his  profession  requires 
that  he  also  possess  more  than  the  average  amount  of  muscular 
and  nervous  strength,  endurance,  and  -fortitude,  against  which 
he  may  draw  in  times  of  stress. 

8.  With  robust  health  and  organic  vigor  as  a  basis,  and  with 
the  Ijnowledge  that  he  possesses  an  unusual  amount  of  muscular 
and  nervous  strength,  he  must  be  taught  how  to  conserve  the 
former  and  how  to  use  the  latter  to  the  best  advantage.  By 
learning  to  do  this  he  will  unwittingly  develop  self-reliance  and 
confidence,  which  are,  after  all,  physical  qualities,  since  they 
give  to  him  the  courage  to  dare  because  of  the  consciousness  of 
the  ability  to  do. 

9.  Smartness,  activity,  alertness,  and  precision  are  all  phys- 
ical expressions  of  mental  activity,  and  as  such  they  are  the 
powers  that  guide  and  control  the  physical  forces  to  the  best  ad- 
vantage. They  also  make  for  personal  pride  and  self-respect  and 
discipline,  the  voluntary,  intelligent,  coordinated,  and  equal  sub- 
ordination of  every  individual  unit,  through  which  alone  the 
objects  of  the  mass  can  be  achieved. 

Section  II. 



Scope  of  activities 30 

Setting-up    exercises 11 

Lessons   to   be   progressive 12 

Conditioning  and  concluding  exercises 13 

Rifle    exercises 14 

Bayonet    training 15 

Vaulting  and   obstacle   course 16 

Athletics,  games  and  contests 17 

10.  Scope  of  activities. — The  scope  of  field  physical  training  is 
necessarily  limited  to  those  activities  that  can  be  indulged  in 
without  the  aid  of  any  appliances,  or  with  the  aid  of  such 
appliances  as  may  be  improvised,  and,  finally,  with  such  as  the 
equipment  of  the  soldier  provides. 

These  means  embrace: 

1.  Setting-up  exercises. 

2.  Marching  and  exercising  in  marching. 

3.  Double  timing  and  exercises  in  double  timing. 

4.  Jumping. 

5.  Rifle  exercises. 

6.  Bayonet  exercises. 

7.  Vaulting  and  overcoming  obstacles. 

8.  Athletic  games  and  contests. 

11.  Setting-up  exercises. — The  setting-up  exercises  are  to  be 
considered  the  basis  for  all  other  activities.  Their  importance 
can  not  be  overestimated,  as  by  means  of  them  alone  it  is 
possible  to  effect  an  all-round  development  impossible  by  any 
other  means,  while  their  disciplinary  value  is  almost  as  great 
as  their  physical  value. 

In  the  prescribed  course  only  those  exercises  have  been  in- 
cluded whose  value  from  a  physiological  and  military  point  of 
view  is  unquestioned. 

12.  Lessons  to  be  progressive. — The  lessons  are  progressive, 
each  one  being  complete  in  itself  with  respect  to  the  results 
they  are  intended  to  produce.  Exercises  for  all  parts  of  the 
body  are  Included,  arms,  neck,  shoulders,  trunk,  and  legs  are 
employefl  in  every  lesson,  for  the  purpose  of  every  lesson  is 
the  harmonious  development  of  the  entire  bodp.  Thus  each 
lesson  contains  a  disciplinary  feature;  a  repetition  of  the 
various  starting  positions,  the  "  manual  of  arms  "  of  physical 

97492°— 17 2  9 


training;  an  Introductory  arm  movement;  and  in  the  order 
named,  leg  exercise,  trunlc  exercise,  turning;  leg  exercise; 
trunk  exercise,  dorsal ;  shoulder  exercise ;  trunk  exercise, 
lateral ;  arm  exercise ;  trunk  exercise,  abdominal ;  balancing 
exercise,  and  a  breathing  exercise.  This  sequence  is  adhered 
to  in  general  in  every  lesson. 

13.  Conditioning  and  concluding  exercises. — Following  the  set- 
ting-up exercise,  and  in  the  order  named,  such  general  condition- 
ing exercises  as  Marching,  Jumping,  Double  timing.  Gymnastic 
contests,  and  the  Concluding  or  restorative  exercises  should  be 

14.  Rifle  exercises. — Rifle  exercises  have  for  their  object  the 
dcA'elopment  of  "  handiness  "  with  the  piece,  which  is  dependent 
upon  the  strength  of  the  muscles  of  the  arms,  shoulders,  upper 
chest,  and  back.  Only  those  described  on  page  134  of  the 
Manual  of  Physical  Training  are  recommended  for  recruit 

15.  Bayonet  training. — Bayonet  training,  aside  from  its  mili- 
tary value,  is  a  most  important  adjunct  to  the  physical  train- 
ing course,  as  it  not  only  calls  into  play  every  muscle  of  the 
body,  but  makes  for  alertness,  agility,  quick  perception,  decision, 
aggressiveness,  and  confidence.  The  instruction  in  bayonet 
training  should  be  carried  out  in  accordance  with  the  Bayonet 
Training  Manual. 

16.  Vaulting  and  obstacle  course. — Vaulting  and  overcoming 
obstacles  are  exercises  of  application,  and  should  be  practiced 
upon  such  appliances,  bars,  fences,  etc.,  as  may  be  readily  im- 

17.  Athletics,  games,  and  gymnastic  contests. — Athletics, 
games,  and  contests  should  be  considered  recreational  and  only 
such  athletics,  games,  or  contests  in  which  it  is  possible  to 
employ  large  numbers  at  the  same  time  and  in  which  the 
element  of  personal  contact  predominates  should  be  practiced. 
(See  Manual  of  Physical  Training,  pp.  301-313.) 

Section  III. 



Instruction   material 18 

Morning  period 19 

Afternoon   period 20 

Endurance  exercises 21 

Officer  in  charge  of  instruction 22 

Number  of  men  to  be  Instructed 23 

18.  Instruction  material. — Tlie  instruction  material  of  the 
field  physical  training  for  recruits  should  be  divided  into  two 
daily  periods,  each  of  an  hour's  duration,  and  the  course  should 
be  completed  in  three  months. 

The  morning  period  should  begin  an  hour  and  a  half  after 
breakfast,  and  the  afternoon  period  should  end  a  half  hour  before 

19.  Morning  period. 

1.  Disciplinary  exercises. — Two  minutes,  including  starting 
positions.  These  are  composed  of  going  from  at  ease  or  rest  to 
the  position  of  attention  and  the  facings.  When  these  are  fol- 
lowed by  a  few  snappy  executions  of  the  starting  positions,  the 
mind  of  the  recruit  is  concentrated  upon  the  work  to  follow. 

2.  Starting  positions. — One  minute,  going  from  one  to  another 
with  accuracy,  snap,  and  speed. 

3.  Setting-up  exercises. — Twenty  minutes. 

As  stated  before,  these  are  the  most  important  of  the  training 
course.  Every  movement  must  be  executed  with  greatest  accu- 
racy, precisian,  and  smartness.  Proper  posture  must  constantly 
be  insisted  upon,  and  in  order  to  develop  an  intelligent  responsive- 
ness attention  should  be  called  to  the  object  of  each  movement 
and  also  to  the  muscles  that  are  being  employed. 

Each  movement  of  every  exercise  should  be  performed  sepa- 
rately at  a  command,  that  is  indicative  of  the  movement,  and 
lield  while  corrections  are  made.  This  static  execution,  after  a 
few  repetitions,  should  then  be  followed  by  performing  the  exer- 
cises in  response  to  commands  given  in  a  regular  cadence,  which, 
however,  should  be  so  divided  that  the  men  have  an  opportunity 
to  maintain  each  position  momentarily  before  moving  into  the 
next.    Finally,  in  order  to  relax  the  muscles  that  were  employed 



and  to  inculcate  rhythm  and  coordinated  mass  movement  and 
develop  flexibility,  the  exercises  should  be  repeated  rhythmically 
several  times. 

4.  Marching  and  exercises  while  marching. — Five  to  eight  min- 
utes. The  object  of  these  exercises  is  the  development  of  proper 
poise  and  carriage  while  marching. 

The  leg  and  trunk  exercises  prescribed  will  develop  supple- 
ness, strength,  and  endurance,  while  the  arm  exercises  are  in- 
tended to  develop  coordination.  The  military  gait  is  described 
on  page  88  of  the  Manual  of  Physical  Training.  In  marching 
or  while  standing,  except  when  at  attention,  the  toes  should  be 
turned  straight  to  the  front. 

5.  Jumping. — Five  to  eight  minutes. 

When  indulged  in  as  a  gymnastic  exercise,  where  a  series  of 
moderate  jumps  are  taken  in  succession,  it  is  essentially  a  leg 
and  heart  developing  exercise  of  moderate  severity.  When  used 
athletically  it  necessarily  becomes  more  severe. 

The  men  must  be  taught  to  take-ofC  with  either  foot. 

For  military  purposes  it  should  be  used  as  a  medium  to  teach 
men  to  overcome  such  obstacles  as  are  likely  to  present  them- 
selves in  the  field.  See  page  193  of  the  Manual  of  Physical 

Jumping  exercises  should  be  developed  gradually,  and  in  the 
beginning  form  and  precision,  rather  than  distance,  should  be 
constantly  insisted  upon.  As  the  men  become  more  proficient, 
they  may  be  caused  to  extend  themselves  gradually. 

6.  Double  timing^ — Five  minutes. 

There  is  no  exercise  that  will  develop  condition,  vigor,  and 
endurance  as  double  timing  at  a  moderate  rate  of  speed.  In 
the  service  men  will  be  taught  how  to  double  at  the  least 
physical  expenditure,  so  that  in  case  of  an  emergency  they  will 
be  able  to  cover  considerable  distances  and  arrive  at  their  des- 
tination fit.  Toes  should  be  turned  straight  to  the  front  while 
double  timing. 

The  exercises  described  in  this  course  are  intended  to  lay  the 
foundation  for  future  efficiency ;  the  leg  exercises  on  the  double 
are  intended  to  develop  flexibility  and  mobility,  the  heels  should 
therefore  be  kept  clear  of  the  ground. 

Breathing  should  always  be  carried  on  through  the  nostrils. 

The  difference  between  the  military  double,  running  and  the 
so-called  flexion  run,  should  be  explained.  See  Manual  of  Train- 
ing, pages  310  and  311. 

Endurance  runs  should  form  part  of  the  afternoon  period, 
instructors  being  cautioned  to  proceed  cautiously  and  train  the 
men  carefully.  The  regulation  speed  and  stride  prescribed  by 
the  Drill  Regulations  is  recommended. 

7.  Gymnastic  contests. — Ten  minutes.  Every  lesson  shoiild 
terminate  with  one  or  more  of  the  contests  described  on  pages 

8.  Concluding  exercises  are  intended  to  diminish  the  heart 
action  and  restore  normal  respiration. 


20.  Afternoon  period. — ^Tlie  afternoon  period  sliould  be  de- 
voted to — 

1.  Bayonet  training,  80  minutes. 

2.  Games  and  contests,  30  minutes,  alternating  daily  witli — 

(1)  Bombing  practice,  20  minutes. 

(2)  Conditioning  exercises,  double  timing  to  develop 
endurance;  vaulting  and  overcoming  obstacles,  15 

(3)  Rifle  exercise,  10  minutes. 

21.  Endurance  exercises. — For  endurance  running  a  regular 
measured  course  should  be  laid  out,  and  an  obstacle  course  of 
about  100  yards  should  ue  provided,  the  obstacles  in  the  course 
to  consist  of  a  (1)  5-foot  shallow  ditch ;  (2)  a  row  of  low  2i-foot 
hurdles;  (3)  a  bar  fence  with  a  top  bar  adjustable  from  3  to 
4i  feet;  (4)  a  sand-bag  wall  4i  feet  high;  (5)  a  shallow  ditch  8 
feet  wide;  (6)  a  7-foot  wall;  (7)  an  elevated  balance  run  48 
feet  long;  (8)  a  2i-foot  hurdle. 

Intervals  between  the  obstacles  to  be  12  yards.  Other  ob- 
stacles may  be  introduced;  if  natural  obstacles  are  available, 
they  should  be  utilized. 

The  course  should  be  wide  enough  to  accommodate  a  platoon 
at  one  time,  allowing  about  5  feet  per  man. 

By  starting  the  men  at  25-yard  intervals  a  whole  company 
may  be  engaged  at  one  time,  a  single  course  being  sufficient  for 
an  entire  battalion  or  even  a  regiment. 

22.  Officer  in  charge  of  instruction. — ^The  direction  of  this 
training  should  be  placed  in  charge  of  a  battalion  inspector- 
instructor,  who  shall  train  the  company  officers  and  the  platoon 
leaders  so  that  they  may  be  able  to  impart  this  instruction 
intelligently  to  the  men  of  their  command. 

23.  Number  of  men  to  be  instructed, — As  a  rule  this  training 
should  not  be  imparted  to  any  unit  greater  than  a  platoon.  For 
disciplinary  reasons  and  in  order  to  weld  the  company  into  a 
compact,  alert,  and  quick  unit,  and,  lastly  to  create  a  spirit  of 
enthusiasm,  v/hich  can  not  be  accomplished  by  any  other  means 
as  effectually  as  by  this,  the  whole  company  should  be  drilled 
as  a  unit  at  least  once  a  week. 

When  the  men  become  proficient  a  whole  battalion  may  occa- 
sionally be  drilled  together. 


Section  IV. 



Instructors  must  be  conscientious 24 

Drill  must  be  made  attractive 25 

Exercise  the  means,  not  the  end 26 

Respiration  while  exercising 27 

Time  for  physical  drills 28 

"Before  reveille"  drills : 29 

TTnlform  to  be  worn 30 

Instruction  to  be  an  inspiration 31 

24.  Instructors  must  be  conscientious. — Instructors  must  go 
at  this  work  conscientiously ;  they  must  be  well  prepared  and 
in  every  way  qualified  to  conduct  this  work  successfully,  for  in 
no  profession  does  the  individuality  and  the  ability  of  an  in- 
structor count  for  as  much  as  in  the  military,  and  particularly 
in  this  phase  of  it. 

Instructors  must  therefore  always  be  an  example  to  the  men ; 
be  stripped  and  ready  for  action  and  prepared  not  only  to 
describe  an  exercise  minutely  and  clearly  but  to  perform  it 

25.  Drill  must  be  made  attractive. — The  drill  should  be  made 
as  attractive  as  possible.  It  should  act  as  an  exhilarant,  and 
this  will  not  result  if  the  mind,  which  exerts  more  influence 
upon  the  body  than  any  extraneous  influence,  is  not  employed, 
for  it  is  impossible  to  brighten  a  man's  physical  faculties  if  his 
mental  faculties  are  being  dulled,  and  vice  versa. 

26.  Exercise  the  means,  not  the  end. — It  should  be  borne  in 
mind  constantly  that  the  exercises  are  the  means  and  not  the 
end,  and  that  it  is  the  application  of  an  exercise  rather  than  the 
exercise  itself  that  brings  results.  Whenever  a  doubt  arises  in 
an  instructor's  mind  as  to  the  effect  of  an  exercise,  or  the  con- 
dition of  a  man,  he  should  always  err  on  the  side  of  safety. 
Underdoing  is  rectiflable;  overdoing  is  often  not. 

27.  Eespiration  while  exercising. — Every  exercise  should,  if 
possible,  be  accompanied  by  an  uninterrupted  act  of  respiration ; 
inhalation,  whenever  possible,  should  accompany  that  part  of 
an  exercise  that  tends  to  elevate  and  extend  the  thorax,  while 
exhalation  should  accompany  that  part  of  an  exercise  that  tends 
to  exert  a  pressure  on  the  chest  walls. 

28.  Time  for  physical  drills. — Exercises  should  never  be  in- 
dulged  in  immediately   before  or  after  a  meal;  digestion  is 


of  primary  importance  at  such  times.  An  hour  and  a  half 
should  elapse  after  meals  before  engaging  in  any  strenuous 
exercises,  and,  if  possible,  such  exercises  should  terminate  an 
hour  or  at  least  a  half  hour  before  eating. 

29.  "  Before  reveille  "  drills. — "  Before  reveille  exercises  "  are 
not  recommended ;  if  indulged  in  at  all,  they  should  never  go 
beyond  a  few  arm  stretchings  and  relaxed  trunk-bending  ex- 
ercises ;  just  exertion  enough  to  mildly  accelerate  circulation. 

30.  TTniform  to  be  worn. — The  uniform  to  be  worn  will  de- 
pend upon  the  season  of  the  year  and  the  weather  conditions. 
During  the  summer  undershirts,  loosely  laced  breeches,  and 
tennis  shoes  may  be  worn ;  during  the  colder  months  flannel 
olive  drab  shirts  and  the  ordinary  shoe  should  be  prescribed. 
The  leggins  will  not  be  worn. 

After  exercising  the  underclothing  should  be  immediately 
removed ;  and  if  It  is  impossible  to  bathe,  the  body  should  be 
thoroughly  rubbed  dry  with  a  coarse  towel. 

31.  Instruction  to  be  an  inspiration. — Finally,  instructors  must 
constantly  be  an  inspiration  to  the  men,  for  only  by  giving 
themselves  up  without  stint  can  they  expect  to  be  successful. 


Section  V. 



Kinds  of  commands,  and  how  given 32 

32.  Kinds  of  commands,  and  how  given. — There  are  two  kinds, 
preparatory  and  executive. 

The  preparatory  command  describes  and  specifies  what  is 
desired  and  the  executive  command  calls  what  lias  been  de- 
scribed into  action. 

Preparatory  commands  are  usually  printed  in  ordinary,  or 
italic,  type,  and  executive  commands  in  CAPITALS. 

Thus :  1.  Arms  forward,  2.  RAISE. 

The  tone  of  the  command  should  always  be  animated,  dis- 
tinct, and  of  a  loudness  proportioned  to  the  number  of  men  for 
whom  it  is  intended. 

Instructors  should  cultivate  a  proper  command,  as  its  value 
as  a  tributary  to  the  success  of  any  military  drill  can  not  be 

After  an  exercise  has  been  described,  its  various  movements 
or  parts  should  be  performed  at  executive  words,  which  indi- 
cate not  only  the  movement  that  is  desired  but  the  manner  of 
the  execution.  Thus:  1.  Trunk  forward,  2.  BEND,  3.  RE- 
COVER (or  RAISE),  here  the  word  hend  is  drawn  to  indicate 
moderately  slow  execution;  the  recovery  being  a  little  faster, 
the  word  recover  should  be  spoken  to  indicate  it. 

The  word  RECOVER  should  always  be  used  to  bring  the 
men  back  to  the  original  position. 

If  it  is  desired  to  continue  an  exercise,  the  command  EXER- 
CISE should  be  used  and  the  cadence  or  rythm  should  be  in- 
dicated by  words  or  numerals.  If  numerals  are  used,  they 
should  equal  the  number  of  movements  composing  the  exercise. 
Thus  an  exercise  of  two  movements  will  be  repeated  at  one, 
tiDo;  one  of  four  movements  will  require  four  counts,  etc. 

The  numeral  or  word  preceding  the  command  HALT  sliould 
always  be  given  with  a  rising  inflection  in  order  to  prepare  the 
men  for  the  command  halt. 

Thus :  1.  Thrust  arms  forward,  2.  EXERCISE,  one,  two,  one, 
two,  one,  HALT. 

If  any  movement  af  any  exercise  is  to  be  performed  with 
more  energy  than  the  others,  the  word  or  numeral  corresponding 
to  that  movement  should  be  emphasized. 

Section  VI. 



Tosltion  of  attention 33 

Position  of  rest  and  at  ease 34 

Formations 35 

33.  Position  of  attention. — ^This  is  the  position  an  unarmed, 
dismounted  soldier  assumes  when  in  ranlis  or  whenever  the  com- 
mand attention  is  given. 

In  the  training  of  anyone  nothing  equals  the  importance  of 
a  proper  posture;  it  is  the  very  foundation  upon  which  the 
entire  fabric  of  any  successful  course  in  physical  training  must 
he  founded. 

Instructors  must  persist  in  tlie  development  of  this  position 
until  the  men  assume  it  from  habit. 

At  the  command  1.  Company  (Squad,  etc.),  2.  ATTENTION, 
the  following  position  is  assumed  : 

1.  Heels  together  and  on  a  line. 

If  the  heels  are  not  on  a  line,  the  hips,  and  some- 
times even  the  shoulders,  are  thrown  out  of  line. 

2.  Feet  turned  out  equally,  forming  an  angle  of  45°. 

If  the  feet  are  not  turned  out  equally,  the  result 
will  be  the  same  as  above. 

3.  Knees  extended  without  stiffness. 

Muscles  should  be  contracted  just  enough  to  keep 
the  knees  straight. 

4.  The    trunk    erect   upon   the   hips,   the   spine   extended 

throughout  its  entire  length  ;  the  buttocks  well  forward. 
The  position  of  the  trunk,  spine,  and  buttocks  Is 
most  essential.  In  extending  the  spine  the  men  must 
feel  that  the  trunk  is  being  stretched  up  from  the  waist 
until  the  back  is  as  straight  as  it  can  be  made. 

In  stretching  tlie  spine  the  chest  should  be  arched 
and  raised,  without,  however,  raising  the  shoulders  or 
interfering  with  natural  respiration. 

5.  Shoulders  falling  naturally  and  moved  back  until  they 

are  square. 

Being  square,  means  having  the  shoulder  ridge  and 
the  point  of  the  shoulder  at  right  angles  to  a  general 
anterior-posterior  plane  running  through  the  body. 
They  should  never  be  forced  back  of  this  plane  but 
out  rather  in  line  with  it. 
97492°— 17 3  17 


G.  Arms  hanging  naturally,  thumbs  against  the  seams  of 
the  trousers,  fingers  extended,  and  back  of  hand  turned 

The  arms  must  not  be  forcibly  extended  nor  held 
rigidly ;  if  they  are,  a  compensating  faulty  curve  will 
occur  in  the  lumbar  region. 

7.  Head  erect,  chin  i-aiscd  until  neck  is  vertical,  eyes  fixed 

upon  some  object  at  their  own  lieight. 

Every  tendency  to  draw  tlie  chin  in  must  be  counter- 

8.  When  this  position  is  correctly  assumed,  the  men  will 

be  taught  to  incline  the  body  foncard  until  the  weight 
rests  chiefly  upon  tlie  balls  of  the  feet,  heels  resting 
lightly  upon  the  ground. 

When  properly  assumed,  a  vertical  line  drawn  from 
the  top  of  the  head  should  pass  in  front  of  the  ear, 
shoulder,  and  thighs,  and  find  its  base  at  the  balls 
of  the  feet. 

Every  tendency  toward  rigidity  must  be  avoided; 
all  muscles  are  contracted  only  enough  to  maintain 
this  position,  which  is  one  of  coordination,  of  physical 
and  mental  alertness,  that  makes  for  mobility,  ac- 
tivity, and  grace. 

34.  Position  of  rest  and  at  ease. — When  men  are  standing  at 
rest  or  at  ease  they  must  be  cautioned  to  avoid  assuming  any 
position  that  will  nullify  the  object  of  the  position  of  Attention. 
Standing  on  one  leg,  folding  arms,  allowing  shoulders  or  head 
to  droop  forward,  must  be  discountenanced  persistently  until 
the  men  form  the  habit  of  resting  with  feet  separated  but  on 
the  same  line,  hands  clasped  behind  the  back — head,  shoulders, 
and  trunk  erect.     (M.  P.  T.,  pp.  21  and  22.) 

35.  Formations. — When  exercising  in  small  squads,  the  men 
"  fall  in  "  in  a  single  rank  and,  after  having  "  counted  off  "  by 
fours,  three,  or  twos,  as  the  instructor  may  direct,  distance  is 
taken  at  the  command:  1.  Take  distance,  2.  March,  3.  Squad, 
4.  HALT.  At  March,  No.  1  moves  forward,  being  followed  by 
the  other  numbers  at  intervals  of  four  paces.  HALT  is  com- 
manded when  all  have  their  distances. 

At  the  discretion  of  the  instructor  the  distance  may  be  any 
number  of  paces,  the  men  being  first  cautioned  to  that  effect. 

When  distance  is  taken  from  the  double  rank.  No.  1  of  the 
rear  rank  follows  No.  4  of  the  front  rank,  and  he  is  in  turn 
followed  by  the  other  numbers  of  the  rear  rank. 

If  the  Instructor  desires  the  files  to  cover,  he  commands :  1. 
In  file,  2.  COVER.  Nos.  1  stand  fast,  the  others  moving  to 
the  right  with  the  side  step  until  the  Nos.  1  are.  covered. 

To  return  to  original  formation,  the  instructor  commands : 
1.  Assemble.  2.  MARCH.  No.  1  of  the  front  rank  stands  fast 
and  the  other  numbers  move  forward  to  their  original  places. 

Section  VII. 



What  course  comprises 36 

Number  of  times  an  exercise  should  be  repeated ,  .S7 

Exercising  to  point  of  exhaustion 38 

Starting  positions  and  commands  therefor  in  first  four  lessons 39 

i'rogressive  difficulty,  how  obtained 40 

Significance  of  numbers  bracketed  after  exercises 41 

Instructors  mast  familiarize  themselves  with  work 42 

Delinition  of  the  stilde  and  straddle  positions 43 

Frequency  of  rests 44 

36.  What  course  comprises. — The  following  course  comprises 
12  lessons,  one  for  each  week  of  the  three  mouths'  training 
course.  No  advance  lessons  should,  however,  be  taken  up  until 
satisfactory  proficiency  has  been  made  in  the  preceding  lesson. 

At  the  discretion  of  the  instructor  the  essential  principles  of 
the  last  lesson  may  be  incorporated  in  the  advance  lesson. 

37.  Number  of  times  an  exercise  should  be  repeated. — The 
number  of  times  au  exercise  should  be  repeated  has  not  been 
specified,  as  that  will  depend  entirely  upon  the  strength,  apti- 
tude, and  proficiency  of  the  men  and  upon  the  common  sense  of 
the  instructor,  who  is  again  warned  to  err  upon  the  side  of 

38.  Exercising  to  point  of  exhaustion. — To  exercise  men  to 
the  point  of  exhaustion  is  not  only  liable  to  result  seriously,  but 
it  kills  the  spirit  and  enthusiasm  of  the  men,  and  without  these 
successful  military  training  of  any  kind  is  impossible.  It  can 
not  be  impressed  too  urgently  upon  instructors  and  upon  others 
connected  with  the  training  of  recruits  that  this  drill,  particu- 
larly the  morning  drill,  must  leave  the  men  fit,  able,  and  eager 
for  their  other  tasks  with  an  increased  rather  than  with  a 
diminished  amount  of  exuberance. 

Instructors  who  have  not  the  faculty  of  obtaining  this  result 
should  not  be  intrusted  with  this  instruction. 

39.  Starting  positions  and  commands  therefor  in  first  four  les- 
sons.— In  the  first  four  lessons  the  starting  position  from  which 
the  exercises  are  executed  and  the  commands  for  assuming  positions  are  given.  In  the  other  lesson  these  commands 
are  omitted,  instructors,  it  is  taken  for  granted,  being  able  to 
substitute  the  proper  commands. 

40.  Progressive  difficulty,  how  obtained. — In  a  general  way  the 
difficulty  of  an  exercise  is  increased  progressively  by  adding  to 



the  radius  of  action,  by  employing  two  or  more  parts  of  the  body 
simultaneously,  or  by  changing  the  radius  of  action  in  conjunction 
with  the  principal  movement.  Thus  In  the  trunk  exercises  the 
part  about  which  the  movement  takes  place  is  held  fixed  by  the 
hands  in  the  begluuing.  When  sufficient  coordination  has  been 
developed  and  these  parts  can  be  controlled  without  the  aid  of 
the  hands,  the  radius  is  augmented  by  assuming  certain  hori- 
zontal or  vertical  positions  with  the  arms;  finally,  difficulty 
is  added  by  changing  the  radius  of  action  from  one  plane  to 
another,  or  from  one  position  to  another  in  the  same  plane  simul- 
taneously with  tlie  principal  movement.  It  will  thus  become 
necessary  to  impress  upon  the  men  tlie  necessity  of  learning  to 
move  one  or  more  parts  of  the  body  independently  of  those 
that  are  not  specifically  employed. 

41.  Significance  of  numbers  bracketed  after  exercises. — Where 
bracketed  numbers  are  found  after  an  exercise,  they  refer  to 
pages  in  the  Manual  of  Physical  Training,  where  similar  exer- 
cises are  illustrated  and  described. 

42.  Instructors  must  familiarize  themselves  with  work. — In- 
structors are  cautioned  that  success  can  only  be  expected  if 
they  themselves  are  thoroughly  familiar  with  every  exercise. 

43.  Definition  of  the  stride  and  straddle  positions. — Where 
the  term  stride  is  used  in  the  lessons  it  signifies  the  movement 
of  one  foot  in  the  direction  indicated  to  a  distance  of  about  20 
inches;  the  term  straddle  signifies  the  separation  of  both  feet 
simultaneously,  with  a  slight  hop,  the  distance  between  the 
feet  is  about  30  inches.  In  both  positions  the  weight  is  divided 
equally  upon  both  feet. 

44.  Frequency  of  rests. — In  the  beginning  frequent  rests  should 
be  given ;  later,  as  the  men  become  better  conditioned,  the  fre- 
quency of  the  rests  should  be  decreased. 

Short  and  snappy  drills  are  always  to  be  preferred  to  long 
and  tedious  ones. 

Section  VIII. 



Mrst  lesson 45 

Second  lesson 46 

Third  lesson 47 

Fourth  lesson 48 

Fifth  lesson 49 

Sixth  lesson 50 

Seventh  lesson 51 

Eighth  lesson 52 

Ninth  lesson 53 

Tenth  lesson 54 

Eleventh  lesson 55 

Twelfth  lesson 56 

45.  First  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Elxercises.    1,  Attention ;  2. 
At  Ease ;  3.  Rest ;  4.  Facings. 

B.  Starting  Positions.     (M.P.T.,  pp.  25  to  29.) 

O.  Setting  up  Exercises  (every  exercise  has  two  motions)  : 

1.  Arms  forward,  2.  RAISE.     Swing  arms  downward 

and  forward. 

2.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Rise  on  toes.     (33.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.    Bend  head  bacliward; 

same,  forward.     (38.) 

4.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.    Turn  trunk  right ;  same, 

left.     (40.) 

5.  Arms  to  thrust,  2.  RAISE.    Half  bend  knees  slowly. 


6.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  forward. 


7.  Arms  to  thrust,  2.  RAISE.    Raise  and  lower  shoul- 

ders.    (32.) 

8.  Hands  on  hips.  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  sideward, 

right;  same,  left.  (37.) 

9.  Arms  forward,  2.  RAISE.     Stretch  arras  sideward. 


10.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  backward. 


11.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.    Raise  knees  forward 

alternatingly.     (41.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  Inhale,  raising  arms  sideward  ; 

exhale,  lowering  arms. 
D.  Marching  Exercises: 

1.  Marching  in  column  in  quick  time  and  halting. 

2.  Same,  marking  time,  marching  forward  and  halting. 

3.  Same,  marching  on  toes. 

NoTK. — .Tumping  and  double-timing  exercises  and  contests  should  not 
be  Included  in  the  first  week's  work. 



46.  Second   lesson. — A.    Disciplinary   Exercises.      Same    as    ii» 
first  lesson. 

B.  Starting  positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises  (every  exercise  has  two  motions)  : 

1.  Arms  forward,  2.  RAISE.     Swing  arms  sideward. 

2.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Rise  on  toes.     (33.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Turn  head  right ;  same,. 

left.     (41.) 

4.  Hands  on  shoulders,  2.  PLACE.     Turn  trunk  side- 

ward, right:  same.  left.     (40.) 

5.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Full  bend  knees,  slowly. 


6.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  forward. 


7.  Arms  to   thrust,   2.  RAISE.     Move  shoulders   for- 

ward and  backward.     (35.) 

8.  Arms  sideward.  2.  RAISE.     Bend  trunk  sideward, 

right;  same,  left.     (31.) 

9.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  forward  and  side- 

10.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  backward. 

IJ.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Extend  right  and  left 

leg  forward.     (44.) 
12.  Breathing  Exercise:  Inhale,  raising  arms  sideward 
and  upward ;  exhale,  lowering  arms  sideward. 
D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching   in    column   in   quick   time,    mark   time,. 

marching  in  quick  time  and  halting.     (88.) 

2.  Marching  on  toes.     (89.) 

3.  Marching  on  toes  and  rocking. 
B.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Rise  on  toes  and  arms  forward,  2.  RAISE.     Swins 

arms  downward  and  bend  knees ;  swing  arras  for- 
ward and  extend  knees,  and  recover  Attention. 

2.  Jumping  in  place.     (193.) 

F.  Double  Timing : 

1.  Doul)le  timing,  change  to  quick  time  and  halting^ 

G.  Concluding  Exercises : 

1.  Breathing  exercise,  raising  and  lowering  arms  side- 


47.  Third  lesson. — A.  Disciplinarj'  Exercises,  as  in  first  lesson. 
B.  Starting  Positions. 
O.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

ifl.  Arms  forvvarcl,  2,  RAISE.     Swing  arms  downward 

and  sideward.     (4  motions.) 
»2.  Hands  on  liips,  2.  PLAO:.     Rise  on  riglit  and  left 
toes,  alternatingly.     (4  motions.)      (46.) 

3.  Hands  on  liips,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  liead  forward  and 

backward.     (4  motions.)      (38.) 

4.  Arms  sideward,  2.  RAISE.     Turn  trunk  riglit  and 

left.     (4  motions.)      (53.) 

5.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Rise  on  toes  and  full 

bend  knees  slowly.     (4  motions.)      (39.) 

6.  Fingers  in  rear  of  head,  2.  PLACE.    Bend  trunk 

forward.     (2  motions.)      (42.) 

7.  Arms  to   thrust,   2.   RAISE.     Move  shoulders  for- 

ward,    upward,    backward,     and    recover.       (4 
motions. ) 

8.  Hands  on  shoulders,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  side- 

ward, right,  and  left.     (4  motions.)     (37.) 

9.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  sideward,  upward, 

sideward,  and  recover.     (4  motions.) 

10.  Hands  on  slioulders,  2.  PLACE.     Bend  trunk  back- 

ward.    (2  motions.)      (34.) 

11.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     P^xtend  right  and  left 

leg  backward.     (2  motions.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  Inhale,  raising  arms  forward. 

upward ;    and   exhale,    lowering   arms   sideward, 

D.  Marching  Exercises: 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time,  raising  knees.     (89.) 

2.  Thrusting  arms  sideward. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises: 

1.  Standing  broad  jump. 

2.  Three  successive  broad  jumps. 

F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing.     (92.) 

2.  Double   timing,   marking   time   in   the   double   and 


3.  Double  timing  and  halting  from  the  double. 

G.  Gynniastic  Contests.     Two  of  these  games  should  be  in- 
cluded in  each  lesson.     See  pp.  39-40. 

H.  Concluding  Exercises: 

1.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


48.  Fourth  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises,  as  in  first  lesson. 

B.  Starting?  Positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Hands  on  shoulders,  2.  PLACE.     Extend  arms  for- 

ward ;    swing   sideward,   forward,    and   recover. 
(4  motions.) 

2.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Rise  on  toes  quickly. 

(2  motions.)    (33.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Turn  head  right  and 

left.     (4  motions.)     (41.) 

4.  Arms  upward,  2.  RAISE.    Turn  trunk  right  and 

left.     (4  motions.) 

5.  Hands    on    hips,    2.  PLACE.     Half    bend    knees. 

quickly.     (2  motions.)      (3.5.) 

6.  Arms  sideward,  2.  RAISE.    Bend  trunk  forward. 

(2  motions.) 

7.  Hands  on  slioulders,  2.  PLACE.     Move  elbows  for- 

ward, and  stretch  backward.     (2  motions.)    (45.) 

8.  Arms  upward,   2.  RAISE.     Bend  trunk   sideward. 

right  and  left.     (4  motions.) 

9.  From  Attention.     Stretcli  arms  forward,  sideward, 

upward,    sideward,    forward,    and    recover.      (6 
motions. ) 

10.  Arms  sideward,  2.  RAISE.     Bend  trunk  backward. 

(2  motion.s.) 

11.  Hands  on  hips,  2.  PLACE.     Extend  legs  sideward. 

(2  motions.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  1.  Inliale,  raising  arms  forward, 

upward  ;  exhale,  lowering  arms  sideward. 

D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time  raising  knees,  and  rising  on 

toes  of  other  foot. 

2.  Raising  heels. 

3.  Thrusting  arms  sideward. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises: 

1.  Three  successive  standing  broad  jumps. 

2.  Jumping  in  place,  raising  knees. 

F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Raising  heels. 

3.  Double  timing,  sideward,  crossing  legs. 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises : 

1.  Swing  arms  forward,  upward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


49.  Fifth  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 
B.  Starting  Positions. 
C  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Arms  to  tlirust.     Thrust  arms  upward ;  swing  down- 

ward; forward;  upward,  and  recover.  (4  mo- 
tions.    (55.) 

2.  Hands  in  rear  of  head.    Rise  on  toes  and  rock.     (2 

motions.)      (39.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.    Bend  head  forward  and  backward. 

(4  motions.) 

4.  Hands  on  shoulders.     Turn  trunk  right  and  left, 

stretching  arms  sideward.     (4  motions.)     (52.) 

5.  Full  bend  knees.     Hands  on  ground  between  knees, 

squatting  position,  extend  right  and  left  leg  back- 
ward, alternatingly.     (4  motions.)      (65.) 

6.  Hands    on    shoulders.     Bend    trunk    forward    and 

stretch  arms  sideward.     (2  motions.)      (51.) 

7.  From  Attention.     "  Curl "  shoulders  forward  and 

stretch  backward.     (2  motions.)      (38.) 

8.  Hands  on  shoulders.     Bend  trunk  sideward,  right 

and  left,  extending  arms  sideward.  (4  motions.) 

9.  From  Attention.     Flex  forearms  vertically ;  extend 

upward ;  flex  and  recover.     (4  motions.)     (54.) 

10.  Hands  on  shoulders.     Bend  trunk  backward,  stretch- 

ing arms  sideward.     (2  motions.)      (56.) 

11.  From  Attention.     Raise  arms  forward  and  extend 

leg  forward ;  stretch  arms  sideward,  extending  leg 
backward;  move  arms  and  leg  to  first  position 
and  recover  Attention.     (4  motions.)     (53.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  Raise  arms  sideward ;  upward ; 

and  lower  laterally  quickly.     (4  motions.) 

D.  Marching  Exercises: 

1.  March  in  quick  time  and  swing  extended  leg  for- 

ward, ankle  high. 

2.  Raising  knee  and  hopping  on  other  foot. 

3.  From  arms  forward.     Swing  arms  upward. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises: 

1.  Standing  hop,  step  and  jump. 

2.  Preliminary  running  broad  jumps. 

3.  Broad  jump  from  a  walking  start  of  four  paces. 


F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Double  timing  sideward,  crossing  leg  In  front. 

3.  Double  timing,  raising  knees. 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises: 

1.  Bend  trunk  forward  and  backward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  In  12. 


50.  Sixth  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 

B.  Starting  Positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Hands  on  shoulders.     Extend  arms  forward,  swing- 

ing right  arm  up,  left  down ;  return  to  front  hori- 
zontal and  recover  ;  same,  reversed.     (8  motions.) 

2.  Hands  on  hips.     Rise  on  toes;  bend  knees  quickly, 

extending  arms  sideward;  recover.     (4  motions.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.    Turn  head,  right  and  left,  and  bend 

forward  and  backward.     (8  motions.) 

4.  Arms  upward.     Turn  trunk,  right  and  left,  stretch- 

ing arms  to  side  horizontal,  palms  up.  (4  mo- 
tions. ) 

5.  From  Attention.     Bend  knees  to  squatting  position 

(see  exercise  5,  lesson  5)  and  extend  legs  back- 
ward to  front  leaning  rest;  return  to  squatting 
position,  and  recover  position  of  Attention.  (4 
motions. )     ( 58. ) 

6.  Hands  on  hips.     Full  bend  trunk  forward,  stretch- 

ing arms  downward.     (2  motions.) 

7.  Arms  sideward.     Rotate  arms  forward  and  back- 

ward.    (2  motions.)      (52.) 

8.  Hands  on  hips.     Bend  trunk  sideward,  right  and 

left,  stretching  opposite  arm  upward.  (4  mo- 
tions. ) 

9.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  forward ;  sideward ; 

upward;  sideward;  forward  and  recover.  (6 
motions. ) 

10.  Arms  upward.     Bend   trunk  backward,   stretching 

arms  to  side  horizontal,  palms  up.     (2  motions.) 

11.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  sideward,  extending 

leg  sideward.     (2  motions.) 

12.  Breathing   Exercise:    Raising   arms   forward,    up- 

ward, and  lowering  laterally. 

D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  Swing  extended  leg  forward,  knee  high. 

3.  Raising  knee  and  extend  leg  forward. 

4.  Extend  arms  sideward,  from  hands  on  shoulders. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Broad  jump,  walking  start  of  8  paces. 

2.  Broad  jump,  running  start  of  6  paces. 

3.  Hop,  step,  and  jump,  from  walking  start  of  8  paces. 

Take-off  to  be  from  the  right  and  left  foot. 

F.  Double  Timing : 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Swinging  extend  leg  forward. 

3.  Raising  knees. 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises : 

1.  Swing  arms  forward  and  sideward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


51.  Seventh  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 

B.  Starting  Positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises : 

1.  Raise  riglit   arm  upward.     Swing  right  arm   for- 

ward, downward ;  left  forward,  upward,  and  re- 
verse.    (2  motions.) 

2.  Hands  on  hips.     Hop  alternatingly  on  right  and  left 

foot,  extending  leg  forward.     (4  motions.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.     Necls  exercises. 

4.  Stride   sideward    right    and    raise    arms   forward. 

2.  STRIDE.  Turn  trunli  right  and  left,  stretch- 
ing arms  to  side  horizontal.     (4  motions.) 

5.  From  Attention.     Bend  knees  to  squatting  position  ; 

extend  legs  to  leaning  rest  (see  exercise  5,  les- 
son 6),  bend  and  extend  arms,  return  to  squat- 
ting position  and  recover  Attention.     (6  motions.) 

6.  Arms  to  thrust.     Thrust  arms  forward,  sideward, 

upward,  and  down.     (8  motions.) 

7.  Stride  sideward   right   and   raise   arms  sideward. 

2.  STRIDE.  Full  bend  trunk  forward,  stretching 
arms  downward.     (2  motions.) 

8.  Side  stride  right,  arms  forward.    Bend  trunk  side- 

Avard,  right  and  left,  stretching  arms  sideward, 
palms  down.     (4  motions.) 

9.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  as  in  sixth  lesson, 

rising  on  toes  with  upward  stretch.     (6  motions.) 

10.  Side  stride  right,  arms  forward.     Bend  trunk  back- 

ward, stretching  arms  sideward,  palms  up.  (2 
motions. ) 

11.  Front   stride  right,   arms  forward.     Stretch   arms 

sideward,  extending  left  leg  backward.  (2  mo- 
tions. ) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise:  Raising  arms   sideward,   up- 

ward, and  lower  sideward. 

D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  Raising  knees. 

3.  Swing  arms  downward  and  forward,  and  sideward 

from  arms  forward. 

4.  Swing  extended  leg  forward,  waist  high. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Broad    jump,    facing   right,    running   start    of   12 


2.  Same,  facing  left. 

3.  Broad    jump,    raising   knees,    running   start    of   8 


F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Raising  leg  backward. 

3.  Lengthening  stride, 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises : 

1.  Bending  trunk  forward  and  backward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  In  12. 


52.  Eighth  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 
B.  Starting  Positions. 
O.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Arms  sideward,  palms  up.     Circumduct  arms  back- 

ward.    (2  motions.) 

2.  Hands  on  shoulders.    Rise  on  toes,  extending  arms 

upward.     (2  motions.) 

3.  Side  stride  right,  hands  on  hips.     Neck  exercises. 

4.  Side  stride  right,  arms  sideward.    Turn  trunk,  riglit 

and  left,  stretching  arms  upward.     (4  motions.) 

5.  From  Attention.     Bend  knees  to  squatting  position  ; 

extend  legs  to  leaning  rest,  legs  separated ;  bentl 
and  extend  arms ;  return  to  squatting  position 
and  recover  Attention.     (6  motions.) 

6.  Arms  to  thrust.     Thrust  right  arm  upward  and  left 

down,  and  alternate.     (4  motions.) 

7.  Side  stride  right,  arms  sideward.     Bend  trunk  for- 

ward, stretching  arms  obliquely  forward;  \ip- 
ward,  and  bend  trunk  backward,  stretching  arms 
sideward.     (4  motions.) 

8.  Side  stride  right,  arms  sideward.    Bend  trunk  side- 

ward, right  and  left,  stretching  arms  upward. 
(4  motions.) 

9.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms,  rising  on  toes  as  in 

seventh  lesson.     (6  motions.) 

10.  Side  stride  right,  hands  on  hips.     Rise  on  toes,  full 

bend  knees,  and  extend  arms  sideward.  (4  mo- 
tions. ) 

11.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  sideward,  extending 

leg  forward ;  stretch  arms  upward,  extending  leg 
backward;  return  to  first  position  and  recover. 
(4  motions.) 

12.  Breathing   Exercise:    Raising   and   lowering   arms 


D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  Raise  knee  and  hop  on  other  foot. 

3.  Lunging  step.     (90.) 

4.  Circumduct  arms  backward,  from  arms  sideward. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Standing  broad  jump  for  distance. 

2.  Standing  three  jumps  for  distance. 

3.  Standing  hop,  step,  and  jump  for  distance. 

F.  Double  Timing : 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Lengthening  step. 

3.  Swinging  extended  leg  forward. 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises : 

1.  Circling  arms  outward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


53.  Ninth  lesson. — ^A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 

B.  Starting  Positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Flex  forearms  horizontally ;  fling  arms  sideward ; 

flex  forearms  and  recover.     (4  motions.) 

2.  Side  stride  right,  with  arms  forward.     Rise  on  toes, 

swinging  arms  forward — upward.     (2  motions.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.    Neck  exercises. 

4.  Hop  to  side  straddle,  arms  forward,  fingers  laced. 

Turn  trunk,  right  and  left,  swinging  arms  side- 
ward, right  and  left.     (2  motions.) 

5.  Arms    to    thrust.     Quarter,    half,    and    full    bend 

knees;  thrusting  arms  sideward.     (4  motions.) 

6.  Hop  to  side  straddle,  arms  upward.    Full  bend  trunk 

forward,  swinging  arms  between  legs;  swing 
arms  upward  and  bend  trunk  backward.  (2  mo- 
tions.)     (63.) 

7.  Hands  on  shoulders.    Extend  right  arm  upward  and 

left  sideward,  and  reverse.     (4  motions.) 

8.  Side  straddle,   arms  sideward.     Bend   trunk  side- 

ward, right  and  left,  swinging  right,  left,  arm 
downward  to  the  rear  and  left,  right,  arm  up- 
ward.    (2  motions.) 

9.  From    Attention.     Stretching    arms    forward;    up- 

ward; sideward,  and  down.     (4  motions.) 

10.  From  Attention.     Bend  knees  to  squatting  position ; 

extend  to  front  leaning  rest ;  change  to  right  side 
leaning  rest ;  to  front  leaning  rest ;  squatting  po- 
sition, and  recover  Attention.  Same  going  to  left 
side  leaning  rest.     (6  motions.) 

11.  Hands  on  hips.     Swing  legs  forward,  waist  high, 

alternately,  extending  corresponding  arm  for- 
ward.    (57.) 

12.  Breathing   Exercise:   Raising  arms  sideward,   ob- 

liquely upward,  lowering  sideward. 

D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  Raising  knees. 

3.  Raising  heels. 

4.  Extending  arms  upward,  from  hands  on  shoulders. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Running  broad  jump  for  distance. 

2.  Running  hop,  step,  and  jump  for  distance. 

F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  With  jumping  stride. 

3.  Sideward,  crossing  legs. 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises: 

1.  Bending  trunk  sideward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


54.  Tenth  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 

B.  Starting  Positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Anns  sideward.    Circle  arms  outward  and  inward. 

(4  motions.) 

2.  Side  straddle,  arms  forward.     Rise  on  toes,  stretch- 

ing arms  sideward ;  bend  linees,  stretching  arms 
upward  ;  and  return  in  reverse  order,  and  recover. 
(4  motions.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.     Neck  exercises. 

4.  Side  straddle,  arms  sideward.     Turn  trunk  right 

and  left,  lacing  fingers  beliind  liead.     (4  motions.) 

5.  From  Attention.     Bend  knees  to  squatting  position ; 

extend  legs  to  leaning  rest;  straddle  legs  side- 
ward; close  legs,  and  recover  Attention.  (6  mo- 
tions. ) 

6.  Hands  on  shoulders.     Extend  arms  forward,  side- 

ward, and  upward,  alternatingly.     (6  motions.) 

7.  Side  straddle,  hands  on  hips.     Full  bend  trunk  for- 

ward, extending  arms  downward ;  bend  trunk 
backward  and  extend  arms  sideward,  palms  up ; 
recover  in  reverse  order.     (4  motions.) 

8.  Arms    forward.     Lunge    forward,    right    and    left, 

swinging  arms  sideward.     (4  motions.) 

9.  Side  straddle,   arms  sideward.     Sway  trunk  side- 

ward from  right  to  left.     (2  motions.) 

10.  Hands   on   shoulders,   hands   closed.     Strike   arms 

sideward.     (2  motions.)      (36.) 

11.  Arms  sideward.     Swing  extended  right,  left,  leg  for- 

ward and  backward.     (2  motions.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  Stretching  arms  forward  and 

outward  to  side;  upward  oblique,  and  lower  lat- 

D.  Marching  Exercises : 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  Raising  knee  and  rising  on  toes  of  opposite  foot. 

3.  Thrust  arms  forward  and  sideward. 

4.  Hands  on  hips,  bend  trunk  forward,  stretching  left 

arm  downward  as  the  left  foot  strikes  the  ground  ; 
recover  as  the  right  foot  comes  forward ;  same  on 
right  foot. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Running  broad  jump,  raising  knees. 

2.  Running  broad  jump,  executing  complete  turn  in 

the  start  just  before  taking  off. 

3.  Same,  with  two  turns. 
P.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Running  sideward,  crossing  legs. 

3.  Galloping  right,  or  left,  foot  leading. 
G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 

H.  Concluding  Exercises: 

1.  Trunk  swaying  forward  and  backward. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


55.  Eleventh  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 

B.  Starting  Positions. 

C.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  From  Attention.     Swing  arms  forward,  upward,  and 

lower,  backward.     (2  motions.) 

2.  Full  bend  knees,  arms  sideward.     Rock  on  knees,  cir- 

cumducting arms  backward.     (2  motions.)      (56.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.    Neck  exercises. 

4.  Side  straddle,  arms  upward.     Turn  trunk  right,  and 

left,  and  stretch  arms  sideward.     (4  motions.) 

5.  Sitting  position.     This  i)osition  is  reached  by  cross- 

ing the  right  leg  over  the  left  and  bending  the 
knees  ;  arms  folded.  Lower  to  prone  position  and 
rise  to  sitting  position.  (2  motions.)  Recover 
Attention  by  crossing  legs  and  extending  knees, 
facing  about.  Men  should  be  cautioned  to  inhale 
before  lowering  or  raising  the  body. 

6.  From  Attention.     Flex  arms  horizontally,  fling  side- 

ward, flex  and  recover.     (4  motions.) 

7.  Side  straddle,  hands  on  hips.   Full  bend  trunk  forward 

and  extend  arms  downward  ;  raise  and  bend  trunk 
backward,  stretching  arms  sideward ;  bend  forward, 
lowering  arms  forward,  and  recover.    (4  motions. ) 

8.  From  Attention.     "  Curl "   shoulders  forward  and 

stretch  backward.     (38.) 

9.  Side  straddle,  arms  sideward.     Bend  trunk  sideward 

right,  bending  right  knee  and  swinging  right  arm 
down  to  the  rear,  left  obliquely  upward ;  recover ; 
same  left.     (4  motions.) 

10.  From  Attention.    Hop  to  side  straddle  and  back  to 

Attention,  raising  arms  sideward,  upward,  and 
down.     (2  motions.)      (50.) 

11.  From  Attention.     Stride  forward  right,  left,  raising 

arms  forward ;  extend  left,  right,  leg  backward, 
stretching  arms  sideward ;  recover  first  position, 
and  Attention.     (4  motions.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  "With  arm  raisings. 

D.  Marching  Exercises: 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  Bend  forward  and  extend,  left,  right,  arm  down- 

ward, on  left  or  right  foot. 

3.  Same  as  above,  extending  right,  left,  arm  upward, 

rising  on  toes. 

E.  Jumping  Exercises : 

1.  Running  broad  jump,  raising  knees,  for  distance. 

2.  Running  broad  jump  and  two  standing  broad  jumps. 

F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Raising  knees. 

3.  Jumping  stride. 

G.  Gymnastic  Contests. 
H.  Concluding  Exercises: 

1.  Trunk  bending  sideward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 


56.  Twelfth  lesson. — A.  Disciplinary  Exercises. 
B.  Starting  Positions. 
C  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  From  arms  flexed  vertically.    Raise  elbows  side- 

ward, fling  arms  sideward,  flex  arms  horizontally, 
lower  elbows  to  first  position.     (4  motions.) 

2.  Hands  on  hips.     Full  bend  knees,  extending  arms 

forward,  stretch  arms  sideward ;  stretch  arms 
forward  ;  extend  knees,  and  recover.    (4  motions.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.     Neck  exercises. 

4.  Stride  forward  right,  arras  forward.     Turn  trunlt 

right,  stretching  arms  sideward ;  same,  left.  (2 
motions. ) 

5.  Squatting  position.     Extend  legs  backward  to  front, 

leaning ;  rest ;  turn  to  right  side  leaning ;  rest  and 
recover  Attention  in  reverse  order  ;  same,  left.  (6 
motions. ) 

6.  From  Attention.     Stretch  arms  forward,  sideward, 

upward,  sideward,  forward,  and  down,  rising  on 
toes  with  upward  stretch.     (6  motions.) 

7.  Side  straddle,  arms  overhead,  hands  closed.     Full 

bend  trunk  forward,  bending  knees  slightly, 
swinging  arms  between  legs;  raise  trunk,  rising 
on  toes  and  bending  trunk  backward  slightly. 
(2  motions.) 

8.  Arms  to  thrust.     Move  shoulders  forward,  upward, 

backward,  and  down.     (4  motions.)    (48.) 

9.  Side  straddle,  arms  overhead,  fingers  laced.     Sway 

trunk  sideward  right  and  left.     (2  motions.) 

10.  Hands  on  hips.     Hop  on  right  and  left  foot  alter- 

nately, extending  leg  forward.  Four  hops  on 
each  foot.     (8  motions.)      (86.) 

11.  From  Attention,  repeat  balance  exercise  described 

under  exercise  11,  lesson  11. 

12.  Breathing    Exercise:    "Curl"    shoulders    forward, 

slightly  rotating  arms  inward ;  Inhale,  raising  and 
stretching  arms  forward — outward  to  side  hori- 
zontal, palms  np ;  lower  laterally. 
D.  Marching  Exercises: 

1.  Marching  in  quick  time. 

2.  From  arms  to  thrust.     Thrust  arms  forward,  swing 

sideward,  forward,  and  recover. 

3.  Repeat,  alternating  bending  forward  and  extending 

arm  downward  and  extending  arm  upward  and 
rising  on  toes. 

4.  Raise  knees,  rising  on  or  hopping  on  other  foot. 


E.  Jumpinfe'  Exercises: 

1.  Running  broad  jump  for  distance,  raising  knees. 

2.  Running  broad  jump  and  two  standing  jumps. 

3.  Running  broad  jump  and  standing  hop,  step,  and 


F.  Double  Timing: 

1.  Double  timing. 

2.  Raising  knees. 

3.  Jumping  stride,  raising  knees. 

G.  Concluding  Exercises: 

1.  Arm  circling  inward  and  outward,  relaxed. 

2.  Breathing  exercise,  as  in  12. 

Section  IX. 



How  this  course  differs  from  recruit  course 57 

Composition  and  number  of  lessons 58 

Instructors  cautioned  to  make  course  Interesting 5'.) 

Trained  soldier's  conditioning  course CO 

Morning  and  afternoon  periods Gl 

57.  How  this  course  differs  from  recruit  course. — This  course 
differs  from  the  recruit  instruction  in  that  it  aims  to  be  less 
for  the  purpose  of  instruction  but  more  for  the  purpose  of 
keeping  the  already  trained  man  fit  and  prepared  for  any 
emergency.  As  the  trained  soldier  is  constantly  kept  engaged 
in  more  or  less  strenuous  military  drills,  and  as  he  is  also 
in  such  physical  condition  that  he  can  indulge  in  the  more 
strenuous  and  intensive  forms  of  bodily  activities  with  benefit 
to  himself,  the  time  devoted  to  this  training  may  be  reduced 
materially  in  his  case. 

58.  Composition  and  number  of  lessons. — Four  lessons  for  the 
trained  soldier  are  given  here.  They  are  to  serve  as  examples 
to  instructors  who  may  at  their  discretion  substitute  others, 
so  long  as  they  adhere  to  the  general  principles  laid  down  in 
this  syllabus.  The  amount  and  degree  of  work  must  be  fitted 
to  the  capabilities  of  the  men  and  the  time  alloted  to  this 

59.  Instructors  cautioned  to  make  course  interesting. — In- 
structors are  warned  that  in  order  to  maintain  the  trained 
soldier's  interest  and  enthusiasm  the  drill  must  be  made  inter- 
esting. To  attempt  to  get  results  by  means  of  the  same  exer- 
cise constantly  repeated  is  impossible  with  the  American 
trahied  soldier.  Being  an  intelligent,  thinking  individual  the 
best  results  are  obtained  when  his  mind  as  well  as  his  body  is 
employed.  This  can  be  accomplished  by  giving  variety  to  the 

60.  Trained  soldier's  conditioning  course. — In  the  trained  sol- 
dier's conditioning  exercises,  jumping,  running,  etc.,  difficulty 
is  added  by  having  the  men  carry  part  of  their  equipment  or  all 
of  it.  Beginning  with  the  rifle  other  parts  may  be  added 

61.  Morning  and  afternoon  periods. — A  morning  period  of  from 
20  to  30  minutes  devoted  to  setting-up  exercises  and  marching 
or  double-time  exercises,  and  an  afternoon  period  of  30  minutes 
devoted  to  bayonet  training,  or  rifle  exercises,  etc.,  together 
with  voluntary  athletics,  in  which  all  should  be  encouraged  to 
Indulge,  will  suffice  to  keep  the  trained  soldier  always  fit. 


Section  X. 



First  lesson 62 

Second  lesson 63 

Third  lesson 64 

Fourth  lesson ._ 65 

62.  First  lesson. — A.  Starting  Positions. 

B.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Arms  to  thrust.     Thrust  arms  forward ;  swing  side- 

ward; forward,  and  back  to  position.  (4  mo- 
tions.)     (49.) 

2.  Forearms  flexed  horizontally.    Rise  on   toes   and 

fling  arms  sideward.     (2  motions.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.    Neck  exercises,  bending  and  turning. 

4.  Side  straddle,  arms  forward,  fingers  laced.    Turn 

trunk  right  and  left,  swinging  both  arms  in  the 
same  direction.     (2  motions.) 

5.  Full  bend  knees,  squatting  position,  hands  on  hips. 

Extend  knees  to  on-toes  position  slowly  and 
stretch  arms  upward ;  recover  squatting  position 
quickly.     (2  motions.) 

6.  Side  stride  right,  hands  on  hips.     Bend  trunk  for- 

ward and  extend  arms  downward ;  recover ;  then 
bend  trunk  backward  and  extend  arms  sideward, 
palms  up.     (4  motions.) 

7.  From   Attention.     Stretch   arms   downward;    raise 

forward,  stretch  sideward ;  upward,  rising  on 
toes ;  lower  sideward  ;  move  forward,  and  recover. 
(6  motions.) 

8.  From  Attention.     Leaning  rest  exercise  in  four  mo- 

tions. Squatting  position,  with  hands  on  the 
ground ;  extend  legs  backward ;  return  to  squat- 
ting position  and  recover  Attention.     (58.) 

9.  Arms  to  thrust.     Move  shoulders  forward,  upward, 

backward,  and  recover.     (4  motions.) 

10.  Side  straddle,  arms  upward,  fingers  laced.     Bend 

trunk  from  right  to  left,  swaying.     (2  motions.) 

11.  Arms  to   thrust.     Lunge  forward  right,   thrusting 

arms  forward ;  in  the  lunging  position,  swing 
arms  sideward,  then  forward  and  recover;  same 
left.     (4  motions.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise:  With  arm  raisings. 

C.  Marching,  Double  Timing  Exercises,  or  Contests. 



03.  Second  lesson. — ^A.  Starting  Positions. 

B.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Arms  to  tlarust.     Thrust  arms  upward,  swing  down- 

ward and  backward,  swing  iipward  and  recover. 
(4  motions.)      (55.) 

2.  Hands  on  hips.     Rise  on  toes ;  full  bend  linees  and 

extend  arms  sideward;  return  to  first  position 
and  recover.     (4  motions.)      (51.) 

3.  Hands  on  hips.    Neck  exercise,  bending  and  turning. 

4.  Forward  stride  right,  arms  forward.    Turn  trunk 

right  and  stretch  arms  sideward ;  same,  to  tlie 
left,  with  left  foot  forward. 

5.  Full  bend  knees,  squatting  position,  arms  forward. 

Rock  on  knees  and  swing  arms  downward  and 
forward.     (2  motions.) 

6.  Side  stride  right,  arms  upward,  fingers  laced.     Bend 

trunk  forward,  bending  knees  slightly,  and  swing 
arms  between  the  legs,  raise  the  trunk  and  body 
on  the  toes  and  swinfe  arms  upward,  bending  the 
body  backward  slightly.     (2  motions.) 

7.  From   Attention.    Arm-stretching  exercises   in  six 


8.  From  squatting  position,  hands  on  the  ground.    Ex- 

tend to  leaning  rest  and  recover  squatting  posi- 
tion.    (2  motions.) 

9.  Hands   on   shoulders.    Move   elbows   forward   and 

stretch  them  backward.     (2  motions.)      (45.) 

10.  Side  straddle,  arms  upward.     Bend  trunk  sideward 

right  and  stretch  arms  sideward ;  same,  left.  (2 

11.  Hands   on  shoulders.    Lunge  sideward  right   and 

left,  extending  arms  sideward,  and  recover.     (4 
motions. ) 
12.  Breathing  Exercise:  With  arm  raisings. 

C.  Marching,  Double  Timing  Exercises,  or  Contests. 


64.  Third  lesson. — ^A,  Starting  Positions. 

B.  Setting-up  Exercises: 

1.  Arms  to  thrust.     Thrust  arms  forward,  swing  right 

up  and  left  down,  swing  to  front  horizontal  and 
recover.  Repeat,  reversing  arm  swing.  (8  mo- 
tions.)    (61.) 

2.  Hands  on  hips.    Rise  on  toes  and  hop.    (2  motions. ) 


3.  Hands  on  hips.    Neck  exercises,  bending  and  turning. 

4.  Side  stride  right,  arms  forward.     Turn  trunk  to  the 

right  and  stretch  arms  sideward ;  same  left.  (4 
motions. ) 

5.  Full  bend  knees,  squatting  position,  hands  on  the 

ground  between  knees.  Extend  legs  to  side  strad- 
dle, hands  remaining  on  the  ground,  feet  in  plane 
of  hands,  and  recover  the  squatting  position. 

6.  Side  stride  right,  fingers  laced  behind  head.    Full 

bend  trunk  forward,  raise  and  bend  the  trunk 
backward,  stretching  arms  sideward ;  bend  trunk 
forward,  lacing  fingers  in  rear  of  head,  and  re- 
cover.    (4  motions.) 

7.  From  Attention.    Arm-stretching  exercise  in  6  mo- 


8.  In  the  leaning  rest,  bend  and  extend  arms,  or  raise 

legs  backward  alternatingly.     (2  motions.) 

9.  From  Attention.     "  Curl "   shoulders  forward  and 

stretch  backward.     (4  motions.)     (38.) 

10.  Side  straddle,  arms  sideward.     Bend  trunk  sideward 

right,  bending  right  knee  and  swinging  right  arm 
downward  to  rear  of  body,  left  arm  upward  close 
to  head;  same,  left.     (4  motions.) 

11.  From  Attention.     Hop  to  side  straddle,   swinging 

arms  upward  laterally ;  bend  knees  and  move 
arms  to  side  horizontal ;  return  to  first  position 
and  recover.     (4  motions.  ) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise :  With  arm  raisings. 

C.  Marching,  Double  Timing  Exercises,  or  Contests. 


65.  Fourth  lesson. — A.  Starting  Positions. 

B.  Setting-np  Exercises: 

1.  Hands  on  shoulders.    Extend  arms  upward,  swing- 

ing downward  laterally,  upward  laterally,  and 
recover.     (4  motions.)     (62.) 

2.  Hands  laced  behind  head.     Rise  on  toes,  and  rock. 

(2  motions.)      (Sa.) 
8.  Hands  on  hips.     Necli  exercises.     Bend  and  turn. 

4.  Side  straddle,  arms  upward.     Turn  trunk  to  right 

and  stretch  arms  to  side  horizontal;  same,  left. 
(4  motions.) 

5.  Full  bend  knee,  squatting  position,  hands  on  hips. 

Hop  in  the  squatting  position. 

6.  Forward  stride  right,  arms  sideward.     Bend  trunk 

forward,  bending  right  knee ;  raise  trunk,  extend- 
ing knee,  and  bend  trunk  backward,  stretching 
arms  upward ;  return  to  first  position  and  recover. 
(4  motions.) 

7.  From  Attention.    Arm-stretching  exercise  in  6  mo- 


8.  From  Attention.     Bend  to  the  squatting  position ; 

extend  to  the  leaning  rest ;  squat  between  hands 
to  sitting  position ;  turn  to  the  right-about  to  the 
leaning  rest  and  recover.     (6  motions.) 

9.  From  side  horizontal,  palms  down.     Rotate  arms 

backward  and  forward.     (2  motions.)      (52.) 

10.  Side  straddle,  hands  on  shoulders.     Bend  trunk  side- 

ward right,  extending  right  arm  obliquely  down- 
ward, left  obliquely  upward,  and  bend  right 
knee,  and  recover;  same,  left.     (4  motions.) 

11.  From    Attention.     Hop    to    side    straddle,    placing 

hands  on  shoulders;  full  bend  trunk  forward 
and  extend  arms  downward,  return  to  first  posJ- 
sition  and  recover.     (4  motions.) 

12.  Breathing  Exercise:  With  arm  raisings. 

C.  Marching  Exercises,  Double  Timing  Exercises,  or  Contests. 

001426  055 

Section  XI. 



The  object  of  these  contests 66 

Description  of  the  contests 67-76 

66.  In  all  of  these  contests  the  men  are  brought  into  personal 
contact ;  they  are  personal  encounters  that,  aside  from  their 
physical  value,  bring  out  and  develop  aggressiveness,  agility, 
quickness  of  perception,  confidence,  and  morale. 

In  contests  in  which  superiority  is  determined  by  skill  and 
agility  no  restrictions  need  be  placed  upon  the  efforts  of  the  con- 
testants ;  in  those  contests,  however,  that  are  determined  chiefly 
by  strength  and  endurance  it  is  well  to  call  a  "  draw  "  when 
the  contest  is  likely  to  be  drawn  out  to  the  point  of  exhaustion 
of  one  or  both  contestants. 

Two  of  these  contests  should  be  included  in  every  lesson, 
except  in  the  two  preliminary  lessons.  Contests  requiring  skill 
and  agility  should  alternate  with  those  that  depend  upon 
strength  and  endurance. 

07.  Cane  wrestling. — The  cane  to  be  about  an  inch  in  diameter 
and  3  feet  long  of  hardwood,  with  ends  rounded. 

Contestants  grasp  it  with  the  right  hand,  knuckles  down,  at 
one  end,  and  with  the  left  hand,  knuckles  up,  inside  of  and  close 
to  the  opponent's  right  hand. 

The  object  is  to  wrest  the  cane  from  the  opponent.  Loss  of 
grip  with  either  hand  loses  the  bout.  This  contest  brings  into 
play  nearly  all  of  the  muscles  of  the  body,  principally  those  of 
the  shoulders,  arms,  upper  chest,  and  back. 

68.  Pole  twisting. — Contestants  grasp  a  short  pole,  about  4 
feet  long  and  li  inches  in  diameter,  with  both  hands,  knuckles 
up,  one  hand  being  inside  and  the  other  outside  the  opponent's 
hands ;  arms  are  extended  overhead. 

The  object  is  to  make  the  pole  revolve  in  the  opponent's  hands 
by  forcing  it  down.  The  muscles  of  the  forearm,  fingers,  shoul- 
ders, and  upper  back  and  chest  are  brought  into  action  In  this 

69.  "  Squatting  "  tug. — Contestants  sit  on  the  ground  facing 
each  other,  legs  extended,  soles  of  feet  in  contact ;  a  short  pole, 
such  as  is  used  in  pole  twisting,  Is  grasped,  as  in  that  contest, 
close  to  the  feet. 

The  object  is  to  pull  the  opponent  to  his  feet.  Arm,  shoulder, 
leg,  and  most  of  the  trunk  muscles  are  brought  into  play. 

70.  Single-pole  pushing. — Contestants  grasp  the  end  of  a  pole, 
6  feet  long  and  2  inches  in  diameter,  with  both  hands,  one  end 
of  the  pole  under  the  right  arm,  and  brace  themselves. 

The  object  is  to  push  the  opponent  back.  This  contest  should 
be  practiced  with  the  right  and  left  foot  forward. 


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001426  055    8 

Section  XI. 



The  object  of  these  contests 66 

Description  of  the  contests 67-76 

66.  In  all  of  these  contests  the  men  are  brought  into  personal 
contact;  they  are  personal  encounters  that,  aside  from  their 
physical  value,  bring  out  and  develop  aggressiveness,  agility, 
quickness  of  perception,  confidence,  and  morale. 

In  contests  in  which  superiority  is  determined  by  skill  and 
agility  no  restrictions  need  be  placed  upon  the  efforts  of  the  con- 
testants ;  in  those  contests,  however,  that  are  determined  chiefly 
by  strength  and  endurance  it  is  well  to  call  a  "  draw  "  when 
the  contest  is  likely  to  be  drawn  out  to  the  point  of  exhaustion 
of  one  or  both  contestants. 

Two  of  these  contests  should  be  Included  in  every  lesson, 
except  in  the  two  preliminary  lessons.  Contests  requiring  skill 
and  agility  should  alternate  with  those  that  depend  upon 
strength  and  endurance. 

67.  Caue  wrestling. — The  cane  to  be  about  an  inch  in  diameter 
and  3  feet  long  of  hardwood,  with  ends  rounded. 

Contestants  grasp  it  with  the  right  hand,  knuckles  down,  at 
one  end,  and  with  the  left  hand,  knuckles  up,  inside  of  and  close 
to  the  opponent's  right  hand. 

The  object  is  to  wrest  the  cane  from  the  opponent.  Loss  of 
grip  with  either  hand  loses  the  bout.  This  contest  brings  into 
play  nearly  all  of  the  muscles  of  the  body,  principally  those  of 
the  shoulders,  arms,  upper  chest,  and  back. 

68.  Pole  twisting. — Contestants  grasp  a  short  pole,  about  4 
feet  long  and  1^  inches  in  diameter,  with  both  hands,  knuckles 
up,  one  hand  being  inside  and  the  other  outside  the  opponent's 
hands ;  arms  are  extended  overhead. 

The  object  is  to  make  the  pole  revolve  in  the  opponent's  hands 
by  forcing  it  down.  The  muscles  of  the  forearm,  fingers,  shoul- 
ders, and  upper  back  and  chest  are  brought  into  action  In  this 

69.  "  Squatting  "  tug. — Contestants  sit  on  the  ground  facing 
each  other,  legs  extended,  soles  of  feet  in  contact ;  a  short  pole, 
such  as  is  used  in  pole  twisting,  is  grasped,  as  in  that  contest, 
close  to  the  feet. 

The  object  is  to  pull  the  opponent  to  his  feet.  Arm,  shoulder, 
leg,  and  most  of  the  trunk  muscles  are  brought  into  play. 

70.  Single-pole  pushing. — Contestants  grasp  the  end  of  a  pole, 
6  feet  long  and  2  inches  in  diameter,  with  both  hands,  one  end 
of  the  pole  under  the  right  arm,  and  brace  themselves. 

The  object  is  to  push  the  opponent  back.  This  contest  should 
be  practiced  with  the  right  and  left  foot  forward. 



The  extensor  muscles  of  the  legs  and  most  of  the  muscles  of 
the  trunk  and  shoulders  are  bi'ought  Into  action. 

71.  Double-pole  pushing. — Same  as  in  the  above  contest,  except 
that  two  poles  are  used  instead  of  one. 

72.  Individual  tug  of  war. — Contestants  face  each  other,  each 
holding  the  end  of  an  inch  rope  about  8  feet  long  in  both  hands. 

At  "  go  "  they  turn  about,  slipping  the  rope  over  the  right 
shoulder  and  endeavor  to  pull  the  opponent  backward.  This 
should  be  practiced  with  the  rope  over  the  right  and  left 

Most  of  the  muscles  of  the  trunk  and  arms  and  the  extensor 
muscles  of  the  legs  are  brought  into  action. 

73.  One-armed  wrestle. — Contestants  face  each  other ;  right 
hands  grasped ;  feet  well  apart ;  the  outside  of  the  right  feet  In 

The  object  is  to  make  the  opponent  raise  or  change  the  posi- 
tion of  his  feet.  This  should  also  be  practiced  with  the  left 

The  muscles  of  the  right  arm  and  side  and  the  lower  trunk 
and  leg  muscles  are  brought  into  action. 

74.  Limping  combat. — Contestants  hop  on  one  leg,  arms  folded 
closely  over  the  chest. 

The  object  is  to  make  the  opponent  ciiange  from  one  foot  to 
the  other  by  butting  him  with  the  fleshy  part  of  the  shoulder  or 
by  dodging.     This  should  be  practiced  witli  the  left  leg  also. 

The  muscles  of  the  leg  used  are  brought  into  action. 

75.  One-legged  tug. — Contestants  standing  on  one  leg,  with 
hands  grasped,  endeavor  to  pull  the  opponent  forward.  Should 
be  done  Avith  right  and  left  legs. 

Muscles  of  arm  and  leg  used  are  brought  into  action. 

76.  The  siege. — One  contestant  stands  with  one  foot  in  a  15- 
inch  circle,  the  other  foot  outside  of  it ;  arms  folded.  Two  other 
contestants,  hopping  as  in  74,  endeavor  to  butt  him  out  of  the 
circle  or  make  him  raise  the  foot  in  the  circle.  The  occupant 
of  the  circle  in  the  meantime  endeavors,  by  butting  or  dodging, 
to  make  the  attackers  change  feet  or  touch  the  ground  with 
their  hands. 

Leg  muscles  are  broxight  into  play. 

77.  Battle  royal  tug. — Three  contestants  stand  facing  each 
other,  with  hands  grasped,  about  a  circle  from  3  to  3^  feet  in 

The  object  is  to  endeavor  to  make  one  of  the  three  step  into 
this  circle. 

About  every  muscle  of  the  legs,  arms,  and  trunk  are  brought 
into  action  by  this  contest. 

78.  Leg  wrestling. — Contestants  lie  upon  the  ground,  face  up ; 
right  shoulders  in  close  contact,  right  elbows  closely  locked.  The 
right  leg  is  then  swung  upward  in  a  given  number  of  preliminary 
swings  and  at  a  signal  it  is  locked  with  the  opponent's  leg. 

The  object  is  to  roll  the  opponent  over  by  forcing  his  leg  down. 
Should  be  practiced  with  left  leg  also. 
Leg  and  abdominal  muscles  are  used  chiefly. 
